On Sunday, September 14th, the feast of the Triumph of the Holy Cross, the Diocesan Church had a special celebration in the Ordination to the Diaconate of Louis Kim Nguyen. Kim is seen here with his pastor, Fr. Brad Fahlman. Kim is completing his time of internship at Holy Family Parish.
The ordination takes place in Holy Family Church at the Sunday Mass where a large number of parishioners and friends of Louis Kim were present
Louis Kim is being ordained as a Transitional Deacon which means that he will not remain in the ministry of deacon but will continue on to be ordained to the priesthood. Seen here proclaiming the Gospel is Rev. Joe Lang. Joe is also a deacon for the Archdiocese of Regina. However he is a Permanent Deacon, ordained by the church to the Diaconate and he will permanently carry out the ministry of deacon in the Church. The Diaconate is an ordained ministry of service in the Church. The permanent deacon can be married, as is Deacon Lang, who is as well the father of a family. The permanent deacon holds down a regular job as well as carrying out some ministry of service in the community. In addition to this ministry of service the deacon carries out the liturgical function of assisting at the altar, proclaiming the Gospel, as Deacon Joe is doing here, and directing the posture of the assembled congregation.
Following the Gospel, the Archbishop gives the homily and instructs the candidate and the people in the meaning of the diaconate.
Kim then makes a promise to live the life of celibacy, thus devoting his life to the service of God as an ordained minister in the Church. Then he places his hands between the Archbishop's hands and promises obedience to his bishop.
In preparation for the Ordination the Assembly kneels and calls upon the prayers of the Saints of God in the Litany of the Saints. The one to be ordained lies prostrate in prayer.
In the act of Ordination I then prayed the Prayer calling upon the Holy Spirit to come upon Kim the give the Gifts necessary to carry out his ministry. Then the Ordination is completed by the ancient gesture of Laying on of Hands.
And I had the chance to meet many of the parishioners of Holy Family Parish of all ages.
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